Miguel Ribeiro Fernandes for The International Herald Tribune
Portuguese prisons like one in Lisbon, above, are overcrowded and rife with abuse.
LISBON — Life inside Portugal’s prisons has become intolerable, just about everybody involved agrees, as budget cuts render them overcrowded, short of necessities and rife with abuse. So it was a surprise to JĂșlio Rebelo, the president of one of the guards’ unions, just how many prisoners want to stay.
“We’re in a situation of such austerity that many prisoners don’t even apply for prison leave because at least their meals are paid inside,” Mr. Rebelo said. “It’s the first time I’ve seen this, but it seems families just don’t have the means to welcome prisoners back at home.”
Indeed, the deteriorating conditions inside Portugal’s prisons can be attributed in part to the deteriorating conditions outside. Government spending cuts and mounting hardship have added dangerous new burdens to a system that guards and prisoners alike warn is already stretched beyond its limits. Things are so bad, Mr. Rebelo said, that “we have to bring our own toilet paper to work these days.”
As its economic downturn approaches its fifth year, Portugal is suffering just about everywhere. But perhaps nowhere is the pain felt more sharply than in its prisons.
Petty crime in Portugal is soaring, with thefts in the second quarter up 14 percent from a year earlier. But that is just one factor contributing to the prison overcrowding: many Portuguese can no longer afford to pay fines even for drunken driving or traffic violations and instead are consigned to three to six months in prison.
At the same time, money is tight for managing the prisons, let alone expanding capacity, as the government chops away at spending to meet targets set by its international creditors. Before Portugal had to request a bailout of 78 billion euros, or $101 billion, from its European partners and the International Monetary Fund last year, the government had planned to build 10 new prisons, at a cost of 750 million euros. Now the government is building just one, in the Azores.
Portugal’s prison authorities would not grant a reporter and a photographer access to any of its prisons, and the Justice Ministry declined a request for an interview. But early this year, Justice Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz said that conditions in some prisons had become “shameful” and promised a 31 million euro overhaul of the system.
Prison guards, social workers and lawyers say those plans fall far short of what is needed. Portugal’s most recent official statistics indicated that its prisons had an occupancy rate of 110 percent of capacity, or a surplus of 1,413 prisoners. The total number of inmates rose to 12,344 at the end of June, from 11,099 in 2009.
In terms of overcrowding, Portugal ranks 13th out of 56 countries in greater Europe, including states like Azerbaijan, according to a report by the International Center for Prison Studies.
But the situation is probably worse than the numbers suggest. Mr. Rebelo, the union leader, accused the government of manipulating statistics to play down overcrowding. In Mr. Rebelo’s prison, one of Portugal’s newest, the number of inmates is expected to rise to 753 from 630 under a plan to add bunk beds. The prison, in Sintra about 20 miles west of Lisbon, was built in 2004 to hold 600 inmates.
“They’ve changed their calculations for available space from square to cubic meters, so that bodies can basically be piled up while keeping ratios officially unchanged,” he said.
For inmates, it is not just the overcrowding that makes their lives so miserable. “Guards are now working under the worst conditions that I’ve seen — so I’ve got some sympathy for that,” said Carlos Santos, a former inmate. “The real problem is that when guards are in such a bad state of mind, their response is, unfortunately, to pile on the abuses and violence.”
Prison Hardships Rise in Portugal as Crisis Drags On
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Prison Hardships Rise in Portugal as Crisis Drags On